What are the best feelings?
The taste of something that you grew up with. Corn on a cob with melted butter. Simple but you just can't stop munching on those. Mushy and creamy scrambled eggs, too.
Your first unloading of shit after a good night sleep. With cigarette on hand and after a strong, hot brewed coffee, I can't think of anything gross that's as satisfying as this few moments in the toilet.
A long and undisturbed sleep on a Sunday waking up to Iron Chef America (preferably) or Papparazzi (pwede na, if they really have some juicy news without their uninteresting guests or lost children public service to fill-in the rest of their 2-hour show)
When you're right about something. Whatever it may be. May that be for an opinion, an advice or a maneuver of a game plan. It's nice to feel, uhm, right. And proven right.
After a release of great anger. Letting it out is not a good feeling. It leaves you shaken, stressed and sometimes numb on different parts of your body. But after letting it out, phew, it just feels great. You feel brand new, tuned up and reborn ready for the next burst of anger.
When the length and volume of the fart equals the earlier feeling of wanting to let it out. Heaven! Better if you held on to it for quite awhile when there was a crowd around you and then, boom, let it out as soon the last person in the room turns away to leave.
Sleeping at the sound of a tv on Discovery or Nat Geo channel. With the monotonous voice of a British guy all trying to sound like David Attenborough lulling you to sleep. Fuck! It's close to hearing the angels sing.
The softness of familiar lips as it plants small kisses on your mouth. Self-explanatory.
A long, airy, loud burp after emptying a bottle of Coke. It's hurray in gibberish!
Hearing a song that you know the lyrics to.
Finishing something, anything that you have procrastinated on for quite awhile. Whether it turned out good or bad, the mere fact that you got it done is enough.
When you find out that there are more miserable people than you. When Erap was on impeachment trial years ago, and I didn't have any work, I watched every coverage of it in the afternoons. And I felt so blessed.
When you stand up for what you believe in, for a principle. It's nice to feel that you have integrity, honor, pride, all the big words. Even if standing up for it in this day and age would mean going against practically most who's working around you. Others mistake it as arrogance. There is a thin line that separates it though. Either way, arrogant or steadfast, it just feels admirable. You deserve to pat yourself on that.
When you've helped someone, genuinely helped someone. Okay, this sounds too Oprah-esque, but it works.
When you snuggle with another person that just fits perfectly. Legs around legs, arms around waist, face against neck, toes against calf, crotch against butt. Self-explanatory