Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coffee And Cigarettes

You, guys, are great company.  My mom told me a couple of times to stay away from you.  "Your Dad died because of them.  Don't wait to be the next.", she said.

I remained loyal.  A stubborn faithful.  A blind soldier.

In your company, I can think, I can work.  You can bring out the good in me.  Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, you remain my steadfast friends.  

Others have abandoned you.  Judged you.  Others have exchanged you for better friends.  I met them, too.  Tea and E-cig.  But they're a bit too nice for me.  Too correct.

Nowadays, people go for nicer friends.  The kind you can bring to parties and never be embarrassed to be seen with.  They steer free from all the punks and the crazy ones.

I go for the weird ones, the strange and the ones with the rough edges.  I find them more honest, more real.

What you see is what you get.  No agenda, no sugar coating.

Even at work, I always find myself comfortable working with people who are straightforward.  People who don't mince words.  People who are passionate to be heard and to get their thoughts across.

I am wary of people who are nice.  I don't trust people who always has a smile on their faces even in the midst of an argument.  Can you trust a call center agent who keeps her steady tone even when you're shouting at her at the top of your voice?

My Dad warned me about them.  "Never trust a guy who doesn't drink.  Because these are the ones who know that if they get drunk, it'll bring out the worst in them."

People are born with all its frailties.  And the minute a person masks or does not admit that, christian or not, we're in trouble.

To C and C, stay as you are.  Sure, someday I might also turn my back on you.  But always remember that whatever good has become of me, I can't deny that you, guys, were a part of it.

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